2024 Paladin vs. 2014 Paladin: What’s New (2024)

2024 Paladin vs. 2014 Paladin: What’s New

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Ever the stalwart warrior of divine power, the Paladin returns in the 2024 Player’s Handbook with a new yet still familiar arsenal at their disposal. Lay on Hands and their signature smite features appear once more, but with a new look and refined wording alongside new features such as Faithful Steed and Weapon Mastery. Oh, and you can now smite with your fists!

In this article we’ll cover the highlights of the 2024 Paladin that you’ll find in the pages of the new Player’s Handbook. If you don’t see a feature covered, such as Aura of Protection, that means it is unchanged from the 2014 Paladin, or only saw very minor changes.

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Master Tier and Hero Tier subscribers who preorder the digital version of the core rulebooks will get early access. For the2024 Player's Handbook,Master Tier subscribers get access on September 3 and Hero Tier subscribers get access on September 10.

What's New for the 2024 Paladin?

Class Feature


What’s New

Lay on Hands


  • Now a Bonus Action.
  • No longer affects diseases, but can be used on Constructs and Undead.



  • Paladins have access to spellcasting from level 1 now.
  • Number of prepared spells is a fixed number listed in the Paladin table.

Weapon Mastery


  • Choose two weapons you’re proficient with. You gain use of their mastery properties.
  • May change your chosen weapons each Long Rest.

Fighting Style


  • Fighting Styles are now feats, and some have seen minor tweaks.
  • Blessed Warrior from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything has been made a default option.

Paladin’s Smite


  • Always have the Divine Smite spell prepared.
  • Can be used with Unarmed Strikes.
  • Now requires a Bonus Action, which you can take immediately after hitting a creature with an attack.

Channel Divinity


  • Can be used twice before Short or Long rest.
  • The Paladin’s Divine Sense feature is now a part of Channel Divinity.

Paladin Subclass


  • Oath of Devotion: Subclass features last longer and have a reduced action cost. Divine Smite also now grants cover to you and your allies.
  • Oath of Glory: Peerless athlete has a longer duration and your aura ability has a larger radius.
  • Oath of the Ancients: Aura of Warding now affects specific damage types rather than just spell damage and Undying Sentinel now lets you regain Hit Points. Elder Champion can also be restored using a level 5 spell slot.
  • Oath of Vengeance: Vow of Enmity no longer requires a Bonus Action, has a larger range, and can be transferred on killing a creature. Avenging Angel can be restored using a level 5 spell slot.

Faithful Steed


  • Always have Find Steed prepared, which you can cast once per Long Rest without using a spell slot.

Abjure Foes


  • Use Channel Divinity to potentially cause a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier to become Frightened of you.
  • While Frightened this way, they can only use limited actions.

Aura of Courage


  • If an ally with the Frightened condition enters your aura, the condition no longer has any effect.

Radiant Strikes (previously Improved Divine Smite)


  • Now works with Unarmed Strikes.

Restoring Touch


  • Spend 5 Hit Points from your Lay on Hands pool to remove selected conditions.
  • Can remove multiple conditions by spending more points.

Epic Boon


  • Choose one Epic Boon feat, or another feat of your choice.

2024 Paladin Class Features Overview

Artist: Michael Broussard2024 Paladin vs. 2014 Paladin: What’s New (2)

Lay on Hands — Level 1

Formerly an action to use, the Paladin's Lay on Hands now only requires a Bonus Action, granting the class more versatility with options on their turn. This is a theme you’ll see throughout the class, as many features have been changed from an action to a Bonus Action.

Additionally, while Lay on Hands no longer removes diseases, it can cure the Poisoned condition and can now be used on Constructs and Undead.

Spellcasting — Level 1

A big change from the 2014 Paladin is that the spellcasting feature is now accessible from level 1, with the number of spells you can prepare now a fixed number listed in the Paladin table. This opens up a lot more options for level 1 Paladins, especially given the new and improved smite spells.

Weapon Mastery — Level 1

Your first level of Paladin gets even more exciting with the addition of the Weapon Mastery feature, which grants access to a suite of special rules for the weapons you wield. You can select two weapons that you’re proficient with and unlock their mastery properties, and each Long Rest you can choose to change which two weapons this feature applies to.

To highlight this new option for Paladins, let’s take a look at the mastery properties for a signature Paladin weapon, the Longsword:

  • Longsword (Sap): Any character wielding a Longsword while it’s their selected Weapon Mastery armament will be able to use the Sap trait. When you successfully hit a creature with an attack using a weapon with the Sap trait, its next attack made before the start of your next turn has Disadvantage.

Fighting Style — Level 2

Fighting Styles have been adjusted now to be a special subtype of feat that any class can choose from if they have the Fighting Style class feature. Paladins can pick one of these feats, or alternatively, they can choose the Blessed Warrior option, which grants them two Cleric cantrips.

Paladin’s Smite — Level 2

Previously a dedicated feature in the 2014 Paladin and formerly known as Divine Smite, the level 2 Paladin Smite feature on the 2024 Paladin works a bit differently. Instead of granting you a smite feature directly, it gives you the Divine Smite spell as a permanently prepared spell.

This new spell works much like the 2014 Divine Smite class feature, with a couple of key differences. First, it can now be used on Unarmed Strikes, which is a relief for Paladins who want to sock monsters with a divine punch to the face. Second, it now requires a Bonus Action to use, but that Bonus Action can be taken immediately after you hit a creature with an attack roll, bringing it mostly in line with the original Divine Smite's mechanics.

Paladin Subclass— Level 3

Artist: Michael Broussard2024 Paladin vs. 2014 Paladin: What’s New (3)

All four subclasses for the 2024 Paladin are returning options, but each one has had a small glow-up. All three 2014 Player’s Handbook subclasses return in new and improved form, with a fourth option familiar to anyone that has read Mythic Odysseys of Theros or Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: the Oath of Glory.

  • Oath of Devotion: Paladins who swear an Oath of Devotion will find their features lasting longer as Sacred Weapon and Holy Nimbus each now last 10 minutesinstead of 1 minute. In addition to its longer duration, Holy Nimbus can also be used again by spending a level 5 spell slot, rather than just being once per Long Rest. They also have a new feature that replaces Purity of Spirit in the form of Smite of Protection, which grants cover to you and your allies within your aura when you cast Divine Smite. Finally, Oath of Devotion Paladins gets tweaked spells in the form of Shield of Faith and Aid, replacing Sanctuary and Lesser Restoration, respectively.
  • Oath of Glory: Oath of Glory has had its Aura of Alacrity feature improved. Previously, it had a 5-foot radius, now it uses your Aura of Protection to determine who it affects. This use of Aura of Protection is something else you’ll see recurring throughout the 2024 Paladin and its subclasses, meaning better synergy between your class features. Oath of Glory Paladins can also enjoy a 1-hour duration on Peerless Athlete and access to a brand new Oath Spell called Yolande’s Regal Presence.
  • Oath of the Ancients: One of the biggest upgrades to Oath of Ancients is to Undying Sentinel. Where the 2014 Oath of the Ancients Paladin would simply go to 1 Hit Point instead of 0, the 2024 version instantly regains a number of Hit Points equal to three times your Paladin level. Nature's Wrath also now affects each creature of your choice within 15 feet, and your targets must make a Strength saving throw instead of getting to choose between making a Strength or Dexterity saving throw. Elder Champion has also seen some love, now requiring a Bonus Action instead of an action, and can be refreshed with a level 5 spell slot.
  • Oath of Vengeance: Carrying on the trend, Oath of Vengeance receives an action economy boost with Vow of Enmity no longer requiring an action and instead can be applied when you attack. It also has an increased range and can be transferred when the current target of your vow is reduced to 0 Hit Points. Relentless Avenger and Avenging Angel have also had boosts, with the former reducing the target's Speed to 0 and the latter being able to be refreshed with a level 5 spell slot.

Faithful Steed — Level 5

Paladins now always have a faithful steed on hand with the Find Steed spell always prepared from level 5 onwards. This feature also grants a single free casting of the spell once per day so you can summon your Otherworldly Steed. That’s right, your mount has had an upgrade too, with a brand new bespoke stat block for the 2024 Find Steed spell. The Otherworldly Steed is much better suited for combat and can even regain Hit Points whenever you receive magical healing.

Abjure Foes — Level 9

This new Paladin feature allows you to spend your Channel Divinity to target a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier and force them to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is Frightened by you, and, while Frightened this way,is limited to only moving, taking an action, or a Bonus Action on their turn. It’s a very powerful way to control the battlefield, so if your idea of a Paladin features a control aspect, the 2024 version has you covered.

Restoring Touch — Level 14

Another new feature for the 2024 Paladin, Restoring Touch gives you an alternate use for your Lay on Hands points. You can now choose to remove one condition from a list of options and can even do this for multiple conditions if you spend enough Hit Points.

Epic Boon — Level 19

Previously a special reward found in the 2014 Dungeon Master’s Guide, Epic Boons have made their way over to the 2024 Player’s Handbook as a new type of feat with the prerequisite of being level 19+. While Paladins can take any Epic Boon, the recommended pick is the Boon of Truesight, which we’ll look at here:

  • Boon of Truesight, Epic Boon Feat (Prerequisite: Level 19): Increase one of your ability scores by 1 up to a maximum of 30 and you gain Truesight out to a radius of 60 feet.

Take Your Oath

The 2024 Player’s Handbook brings a new and improved Paladin to your tabletop armed and ready with a slew of exciting new features and quality of life changes. You can charge into battle astride your Otherworldly Steed, abjuring foes abound while your Aura of Protection drives back the forces of darkness.

We’re excited to share more of what you can expect from the 2024 core rulebooks, so stay tuned for additional guides previewing the 2024 Player’s Handbook, which is releasing September 17!

Ready to see what's next for D&D? The 2024 Player's Handbook, 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide, and 2024 Monster Manual are all available for preorder on the D&D Beyond marketplace. Plus, you can save $60 and get exclusive digital bonuses when you preorder the !

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Davyd is a moderator for D&D Beyond. A Dungeon Master of over fifteen years, he enjoys Marvel movies, writing, and of course running D&D for his friends and family, including his daughter Willow (well, one day). The three of them live with their two cats Asker and Khatleesi in south of England.


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  • Gammalolman

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    #1 Gammalolman

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    the paladin remains a 6 level/7 level prestige aura for other charisma casters. this changed nothing.

  • Htap

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    #2 Htap

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    smite is so bad now :/

  • AndrewDouglas

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    #3 AndrewDouglas

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    Like what I see, especially unarmed strike smites and steeds, just wish you could smite on ranged now, but I'm sure there's a reason to not have that

  • Cezmi

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    #4 Cezmi

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    The first misfire of 2024

  • Darkwynters

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    #5 Darkwynters

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    Yeah I am a little sad about paladin not getting ranged smite, but I guess its to make them more the melee half-caster... and ranger is more the ranged half-caster. I am guessing Divine Smite has not changed since the Playtest, ei melee and unarmed strike.

  • Kromeo

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    #6 Kromeo

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    Some will complain about smites being made a bonus action but as a DM and a Paladin player, I think it's much healthier for the game in the long term. The class is already great at so many things.

  • SnowBeast

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    #7 SnowBeast

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    Not sure if it's a typo, but the version of Sap in this article is different from the version in the Weapon Mastery article. In this version, it says Disadvantage on the creature's next attack before the start of ITS next turn (opportunity attacks and legendary actions), but the one in the article says "before the start of YOUR next turn" (normal attack actions on their turn).

  • 62bit

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    #8 62bit

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    Paladin clearly in a better place for the health of the game - bonus action smite is a little clunky it being a spell (which should also mean once per turn) is a fantastic change. The other quality of life improvements are fun, this looks like it'll be a good time at the table for players -AND- dungeon masters.

  • Darkwynters

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    #9 Darkwynters

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    Quote from SnowBeast >>

    Not sure if it's a typo, but the version of Sap in this article is different from the version in the Weapon Mastery article. In this version, it says Disadvantage on the creature's next attack before the start of ITS next turn (opportunity attacks and legendary actions), but the one in the article says "before the start of YOUR next turn" (normal attack actions on their turn).

    Snow, the latest Playtest version says: creature had dis on its next attack before the start of your next turn. So as per UA rules, this would effect Att of OP and Legend Actions. As per the new book, it might have changed.

    Last edited by Darkwynters: Jun 20, 2024

  • Trexdrew

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    #10 Trexdrew

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    Dear god we really stuck with divine smite being a spell. Who’s ready for it to be stopped?! Ugh this wasn’t the way to go people…

  • GrunTheBitter

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    #11 GrunTheBitter

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    Quote from Kromeo >>

    Some will complain about smites being made a bonus action but as a DM and a Paladin player, I think it's much healthier for the game in the long term. The class is already great at so many things.

    100% agree. Let the power-gamers be mad, I want a healthy game

  • Canmore_Library_Dragon_Club

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    #12 Canmore_Library_Dragon_Club

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    I'm still not quite clear on how smites work now and how they interact with the attack action when you have two attacks. Lets say I'm a level 6 paladin and I attack an enemy and hit. I now must use my bonus action to smite. My question is, do I still have my second attack?

  • Darkwynters

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    #13 Darkwynters

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    Quote from Canmore_Library_Dragon_Club >>

    I'm still not quite clear on how smites work now and how they interact with the attack action when you have two attacks. Lets say I'm a level 6 paladin and I attack an enemy and hit. I now must use my bonus action to smite. My question is, do I still have my second attack?

    Can, if you hit with your first attack, you can use a bonus action to cast Divine Smite spell (paladins now get one free use before using spell slots). If you are 6th level, you can continue using extra attack and try to hit again.

    One cool thing about the 2024 Paladin is they get weapon mastery and all fighting styles now. So a 6th level paladin with shortsword and dagger (two weapon fighting style) could use Attack Action: Vex with shortsword on first attack, get a free Nick attack with the dagger (Vex gives adv plus get ability modifier to dmg), use a bonus action to cast Divine Smite, and still get another attack with shortsword (maybe Vex a different target) or dagger.

    Let's say you use the shortsword to hit twice and have a Dex 14:

    Shortswordx2 2d6+4
    Dagger 1d4+2
    Free 2nd lvl Divine Smite 3d8 (4d8 on fiend and undead)

    Total: 12-42 dmg (13-50 dmg for fiend or undead)

    Last edited by Darkwynters: Jun 20, 2024

  • Davyd


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    #14 Davyd

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    Quote from SnowBeast >>

    Not sure if it's a typo, but the version of Sap in this article is different from the version in the Weapon Mastery article. In this version, it says Disadvantage on the creature's next attack before the start of ITS next turn (opportunity attacks and legendary actions), but the one in the article says "before the start of YOUR next turn" (normal attack actions on their turn).

    Thatis a typo on my part and I've passed that on for correction! Good spot

  • LothrandAxehand

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    #15 LothrandAxehand

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    My understanding is it now works basically like the current smite spells like Banishing Smite.

  • Eurhetemec

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    #16 Eurhetemec

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    This is bad design, frankly. Poor choices, poor reasoning. Not impressed with WotC.

  • DM_Chapp

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    #17 DM_Chapp

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    Really the biggest loss of this version of divine smite is Barbarian/Paladins, but overall this is probably better for the game. I will miss going absolutely ham on smites though.

    The rest of the changes look really good. steeds will be a fun part of class identity from now on, and i think the changes to subclasses are pretty good! especially Glory's aura

  • Archreox579

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    #18 Archreox579

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    We need more clarity on Paladin Smite because if we are only getting Divine Smite why not just call it "Divine Smite"? I'm hoping it's like the UA version with all the other Smite spells wrapped in it allowing a free casting of one of the other Smite spells and it just wasn't mentioned. All in all, I am happy with what I see in the final version. Opening up the fighting Style to allow TWF, Divine warrior, and Archery (if that's what you like) is great.

  • Canmore_Library_Dragon_Club

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    #20 Canmore_Library_Dragon_Club

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    Quote from Davyd >>

    Quote from SnowBeast >>

    Not sure if it's a typo, but the version of Sap in this article is different from the version in the Weapon Mastery article. In this version, it says Disadvantage on the creature's next attack before the start of ITS next turn (opportunity attacks and legendary actions), but the one in the article says "before the start of YOUR next turn" (normal attack actions on their turn).

    Thatis a typo on my part and I've passed that on for correction! Good spot

    Thanks, that's good to know. I thought it might work like green flame blade in which it's considered a spell and so you forgo your extra attack when you use it.

  • oramac1968

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    #21 oramac1968

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    Posted Jun 20, 2024

    Words cannot truly express my disappointment with WOTC and their handling of Smite. The books aren't even out yet and I'm already having to houserule them. Making smite a spell AND a bonus action is an overcorrection in every sense of the word.

    I'm trying very hard to be civil here. The rest of the paladin is actually pretty awesome. But this change just puts the rest of it out to pasture.

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2024 Paladin vs. 2014 Paladin: What’s New (2024)


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