Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)

THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, PHOENIX, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1921, PAGE SIX WATER REPORT post 1090 in Santa Cruz county. Ow Choicest of Bloomi for all occas ions, uesigner or Born Floral Art. Ing to the fact that an emergency exists In this matter the hearing is being held on less than 10 days notice. It will be held in the office of the 'I- Reservoir, elevation 171.05 Reservoir, contents, acre feet 609,409 Loss, 24 hours 328 Reservoir, year ago 197.35 Contents, year ago 941,565 Water used, north side 12,620 ANY HOUR DAY ANO NIGHT 25 CENT SERVICE a 4 4 2 2 BLACK AND WHITE TAXICAB CO. STAND AT HOTEL ADAMS aaa commission in the state house.

UNDELIVERED TELEGRAMS GranJi---prartt Show Roomi. Give HER a beautiful silk lined corduroy robe from Switzers! VERY SPECIAL OFFERING Corduroy Robes 18-Z4 Wt Van Buren Water used, south side 12,627 WEATHER REPORT There are telegrams at the "Western Union for G. L. Torbeft. Mrs.

Cora McPherson, Mrs. E. J. Steyaert, Er-wine Keefer, E. H.

Bowly. GRAND JURY MEETS The fed GIBSON To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson at St. Joseph's hospital Sunday evening, a 9-pound boy.

Mr. Gibson is secretary and treasurer of the Phoenix Savings Bank and Trust company. RANDALL To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W.

Randall, Monday morning, December 19, at their home in the Arizona Apartments, a daughter, who has been named Erna Marilyn. Mr. Randall is Phoenix correspondent of the Associated Press. PICKRELL To Mr. and Mrs.

William Smith Pickrell of 309 East McDowell road, on Monday, Dec. 19, a son. eral grand jury met yesterday to consider a number of criminal cases which have been presented to them the better kind rr i 05 OP 16 Stations 5:1 a 9. a by government agencies. WANT HCME FOR DOG Hu mane Officer' J.

H. Canning is seek ing a home for a fine male dog now at 1641 East Van Buren street SPECIALISTS to Examination of Eyes nd fitting correct Glasses MORTHRUP OPTICAL CO. 9 East Adams Street Phone 5090 for Appointment THESE WILL WED Licenses to marry were issued yesterday to Jose Borquez; 25, and Rosa Ruiz, 23, both Q- of Peoria; and Frank 21, CONSTABLE ICE FUEL CO. WOOD ANO COAL Phone 1555 Fourth Ave. and Jackson St.

and Violet Ellis, 21, both of Phoenix. PLEAD NOT GUILTY R. Meran and A. Castro yesterday pleaded not guilty in the superior court to a Several styles to choose from mostly in the much wanted shades of rose and blue. (All sizes for women and misses.) These ere not ordinary robes but were made especially for "Switzer's" of fast color corduroy.

Special Prtces Are 6.98, 9.95, 11.95 and 13.75 This store will remain open 'till 9 o'clock Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. ICE Office t1 N. 4th St, I OBITUARIES I 3 Funeral of Mrs. Joseph Geare Funeral services for Airs. Joseph Geare, who died Sunday morning at her home.

3104 North Central ave charge of manufacturing mtoxicatin; liquor and Judge Stanford set the case for trial on Jan. 28, 1922. WANTED ON COAST Oscar Al Driving home a good Christmas suggestion Silk socks, gloves! A combination- that will please the most fastidious. Other suggestions include silk dressing gowns, house coats, slippers, suit cases, moccasins, jew 1 silk pajamas, shirts, silk neckwear. ien, a negro wanted for attempted nue, will be held on Wednesday morn Boston 36 44 Clear Buffalo 30 32 Cloudy Chicago 36 38 PtCldy Denver 30 32 Clear Flagstaff 40 40 Cloudy .14 Fresno .50 50 Cloudy Galveston 66 66 Cloudy Kansas City 40 46 Clear Log Angeles ....60 .60 Rain 1.12 Minneapolis ....18 20 Cloudy Modena 42 44 Rain .26 Needles 68 72 Cloudy New Orleans ...60 64 Pt.

CIdy New Tork 34 42 Clear Oklahoma 56 66 Clear PHOENIX 66 72-Cloudy Pittsburg 36 38 PtCldy Portland, Ore. ..22 26 Clear Roswell 62 64 Cloudv St. Louis 44 48 Clear" Salt Lake City .32 34 Snow .44 San Diego 60 64 Pt. CIdy .06 San Francisco ..52 56 Cloudy Seattle 24 28 Clear Spokane 8 12 Clear Tampa 72 78 Clear Tucson 78 Sp Clear ..40 42 Cloudy Winnipeg 88 92 Clear Yuma 68 74 Pt. CIdy murder at San Bernardino, wai ing at 9 o'clock at St.

Mary's church. Interment will be in the Catholic Phone 5066 CHRISTMAS suggestion tickets to Sousa's Band. dd 3 A Tvoman owns a large Iron mine north of Manila. arrested here last Saturday by Policemen Lucy and Papo and turned over to the sheriff of San Bernardino county yesterday. IN NEW QUARTERS Wolpe Investment company, owned by I.

F. Wblpe, has occupied new quarters at 10 East Adams street, next to the I Adams street entrance to the Hotel Adams. The company does a gen eral real estate, investment and in surance business. CHURCH CARNIVAL Everyone HOT DOG: With, a bandana is invited to attend the church car nival to be given at the Antioch Bap STYLE SHOP Henry J. Drey Henry J.

Drey, a former resident of Jersey City. N. died suddenly of heart failure here last Saturday morning. Mr. Drey has resided in Phoenix during the past three years, making his home at 1,121 West Polk street.

He was a prominent business man for over 35 years at Jersey City and come to Arizona to be near his three sons who had moved to Phoenix. He was an active member of the Odd Fellow lodge for 30 years and a Mason for the past 25 j'ears. He was also a member of the Elks and the Eastern Star. Mr. Drey was noted to his friends By his unselfish, happy disposition, always ready to help those in trouble and assist who were in need.

Though he conducted his own cigar factory for over 30 years he never attained financial success, this was mainly due to his honest and unselfish nature which alwavs lcri him tist church, Washington and Elev Gift order forms for those wishing to give Christmas orders on us. around his neck, a Bill Hart hat and chaps. "Trump" is indeed a. hot dog. He has just finished a movie engagement in Arizona and Colorado and is looking for a job as private watchman in a spiffy home.

cnth streets, beginning Wednesday- MY PERSONAL APPRECIATION I must say a tvord about how deeply I appreciate the many kind words that were said to me last Saturday at the opening of my new Central Market at First Avenue and Washington. My friends, and that seemed to be nearly everybody in town, kept swarming into the new store and congratulating me. They told me how pretty, clean and attractive the new store is. They told me how they appreciated the good merchandise we sell and the new prices. Some of them even sent bouquets.

All I can say is this from the bottom of my heart I thank you nil and I am more than ever going to deserve your good wishes. Respectfully yours A. WETZLER. Local Weather Yesterday 6 a.m. Noon 6 p.m.

dry bulb 54 68 66 wet bulb 55 56 evening, Dec. 21, and lasting until baturday evening, Dec. 24. Many en Humidity, per 54 43 52 Cor. Adams at First Ave.

Ba'ke Bldg. joyable features have been planned and a delightful time is promised all who attend. TWO DIVORCES GRANTED Card Of Thankn I Ethel M. Ayers yesterday was granted a decree of divorce from Ward E. Ayers by Judge Jenckes.

She McUoagall Cassou Washington Street VALLEY MACHINE WORKS Machine Work and Welding Phone 10S5 306 South Seventh Avenue We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the friends who were so kind to us during the illness and death of our husband and father. MRS. DON FERGUSON. BEN FERGUSON. It MARGARET A.

FERGUSON. Wind from SE NE Wind, miles 3 4 3 Rainfall 0 0 0 Weather CIdy CIdy CIdy Highest yesterday 72 Highest this date for 26 years 76 Lowest yesterday 54 Lowest this date for 26 years 24 Total rainfall 0 Excess in temperature yesterday, 12 degrees. Excess in temperature since the first of the month, 48 degrees. Accumulated excess in temperature since January 1, 395 degrees. Normal precipitation, January 1 to date, 7.67 inqhes.

Actual precipitation, January 1 to date, 3.04 inches. Deficiency since January 1, 4.63 inches. Time of sunrise today, 7:27 a. m. Time of sunset today, 5:25 p.

m. charged failure to provide. The decree restored her maiden name, Ethel Mae Barnett. Anna Davis was granted a decree from Fred E. Davis on grounds of cruelty.

FARM BUREAU ELECTION The Murphy-Riverside Farm Bureau will hold its annual meeting for election cf officers for the coming year at 7:30 o'clock this evening at the Murphy school house. All members arc requested to be present. County-Agricultural Agent-H. C. Heard will be the speaker of the evening.

A cordial invitation is extended to all who W-ETZLER'S TUESDAY WEDNESDAY SPECIALS "Better Goods for Less Money" Christmas Suggestions Heinz' Complete Line" The First Dinner Dance at th San Marcus. Chandler, will be held Tuesday evening. December 26th. Tables may be reserved by phone. Advt.

DEMAND PLUMBING HONEST WORK, FAIR PRICES Send me your work for qijick and efficient service O. E. BELLAS 620 North First St. Phone 2875 to give rather than take the largest share. But during 34 years as a husband and as the father of seven boys he proved himself a loving unselfish character, at all times sacrificing his own interests for his loved ones.

His death removes one of the most truly loved father and husbands. He was 56 years of age. Funeral services will be held at the chapel of A. L. Moore and Sons this afternoon at 2 o'clock.

The Odd Fellows of Phoenix will conduct a short service at the chapel which will be followed with a service of the International Bible Students. The Masons will have charge of the service at the grave in Greenwood cemetery. THE STATE BOARD OF CHIRO-practic Examiners will hold their semi-annual meeting for the examination of applicants to practice ChJ-ropractice in the State of Arizona, nn are interested in the bettering of wP a- wP DOCTQRS -a tP wP wP wP tP MORRISON Coming Events vVHMRIYTHE Apple Butter Peanut Butter Mince Meat Sweet Pickles Plum Pudding Silg E. Pumpkin Fig Pudding India Relish Vinegar Soups Admnrtero) Ai U'oric Giurute! Wednesday and Thursdaj-, Janusrv 4 agricultural conditions to attend these meetings. AT MASONIC TEMPLE The Christmas entertainment to be given tomorrow evening under the auspices of Silver Trowel lodge, F.

A. will take place at the Masonic temple, 16 South Central avenue, and not at the Shrine auditorium, as previously announced. The program will be featured by the reading of Dickens' "Christmas Carol" by Mrs. Dwight Earl Easley, piano selections by William Orth and vocal numbers by Walter Hastings Olney, all of the Arizona School of Music. ON LIQUOR CHARGE R.

H. Jo-hanning, a plumber, who was arrested Saturday evening near a down town dance palace by Officers Dean ana 1922, at the School Adminis tration building. 331 North First avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. Persons desiring to take th- said Auto and Gas Engine Mechanics HANSON KARLSON 737 Grand Ave. Phone 1360 Machinists Engineers Welding and Forging examination are required by Jaw to make application to the Secretary-Treasurer at least ten days prior to the above date.

RODERICK WILLIAMS. By President. i and Sheehy of the city police department for alleged violation of' the NORINE HESS ATCHISON, Secretary- Treasurer. fib PHOENIX, ARIZONA liquor laws, was bound over to the federal grand jury yesterday by John ODDFELLOWS, ATTENTION! Funeral of Brother H. J.

Drev 3. Henke, United States commission Tiny Peas, both domestic and imported. Asparagus Tips, large, extra large and mam-mouth. Sweet Potatoes, ting Beets, fancy Maine Corn, Jellies and Preserves of all kinds. Fancy white comb Honey, Dates, Figs, Walnuts, Popcorn, bulk and package.

Fancy Cluster Raisins, canned and fresh Currents, Raisins, Preserve Ginger, Glazed Cherries, everything for your fruit cake. Full line of National cookies and crackers. Finest assortment of fruit and vegetables. Christmas boxes of assorted fruit. Bishop's Calabrab assorted candy figs, apricots and oranges in one-lb.

seal cartons, 50c, a lovely present. Tuesday, December 20. Y. W. C.

A. Christmas party at Y. M. C. A.

gymnasium, at 7:30 o'clock. Tuesday, Dec. 20 First dinner dance San Marcos, Chandler. Tuesday, Dec. 20 Kiwanis club luncheon at Y.

M. C. noon. Tuesday, Dec. 20 Woman's club benefit bridge and pound parcel collection, Tuesday, Dee.

20 Council of Jewish Juniors at home of Miss Goldie Weisberg, 7:30 p. m. Thursday, Dec. 22 Friendship club at home of Mrs. H.

C. Johnson, 24 South Twelfth avenue, 2:30 p. m. Saturday, Dec. 24 Seminole club dance at Woman's club, 8:30 p.

m. Wednesday, Dec. 21 College club at Cottonwood court, 3:30 p.m. Mrs. Thomas E.

Campbell, speaker. Thursday, Dec. 22 Poetry and drama class, Woman's club. Mrs. Franklin McCluskey.

director, 10 a.m. Friday, Dec. ZZ Rotary club luncheon, Hotel Adams. Saturday, Dec. 31 Pan-Hellenic luncheon at Hotel Adams, 1 p.

m. Monday, Dec. 19 Woman's club, art and literature department, 2 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 20, at 2 p.

m. at MooreJ "From Arizona Cows' Hi" er. His bond was set at $500. Jo-hanninng, who is charged with the possession and transportation of intoxicants in violation of the natioal ana sons chapel. All Oddfellows attend.

wP D. A. PARKS. N. prohibition amendment, is said to have It A.


W. H. Crane of Mt. Eilead, Ohio, arrived in Phoenix on Sunday morning to visit their son, E. W.

Crane of 1809 West Jefferson street, for a month or six weeks. FRIENDSHIP CLUB The Friendship club will meet at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. II. C. Johnson, 24 South Twelfth avenue.

TO CONDUCT HEARING Members of the corporation commission will conduct a hearing in Casa Grande today, citizens of the community having filed an application the commission to re-open the case having to do with a railroad crossing on Washington street. IS RECOVERING Announcemenv was made yesterday that Charles G. Craver, teller at the Phoenix Savings bank and Trust company; who was operated upon at St. Joseph's hospital Sunday for appendicitis, has rallied from the shock and is progressing rapidly towards health. JUNIORS TO MEET The Council of Jewish Juniors will meet at the home of Miss Goldie Weisberg this evening at 7:30 o'clock.

The scrap, books for the children in the detention home will be- made at this meeting. All the girls are requested to-bring materials, including scissors and paste. KIWANIS LUNCHEON An address out of the ordinary is scheduled had a gallon of white mule In a Ford truck, w-ith four short quarts of the I same concoction near the machine, while a number of broken bottles in the car were taken as evidence that he had tried to destrov some of his stock in trade before being arrested. The truck has been seized by M. E.

Cassidy, state prohibition director. nd will be held pending the outcome of the charges assessed against Jo- Ben Hur Xmas Box Special 99c hannmg before the grand jurv. NEW CORPORATIONS Three ARIZONA LODGE NO. 2, F. A.

will confer the Third companies were incorporated under 1 lb. Ben Hur Coffee, V4 lb. Ben Hur Tea, 1 silver teaette. the laws of this state yesterday, wP among which was the W. KUis Degree at 7:30 tonight in sonic Hall.

Visiting brothers are cordially invited. OSCAR C. BARTLETT, W. M. Building company.

The incorporators were named as W. C. Ellis. Reba Ellis It and M. T.

Phelps arfd the capital stock given as 000,000 divided in to 10,000 shares at the par value of $100 each. for the regular weekly lunche'on of the ARIZONA LODGE NO. 2, P. A. 31.

will meet in Masonic Hall at 1:40 today for the purpose of conducting the The Associated Gold Mines of Arizona filed its articles of incorpora tP tion witn the corporation commission naming Joseph L. DJlon, United States a marshal as president. Leslie Holman, vice president and Gilmore Goodland, secretary. Its authorized capitalization is $750,000. The third company funeral of our late Ilro-her, Henry Prey, of Petunia Lodge No.

72, New Jersey. All brothers who possibly can are requested to attend. OSCAR C. It W. M.

TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY lbs. White Karo, QKt for the kiddies) OOC A. unt Dina Molasses, ift iVolb. 1C muk, Van Camps gifeps, Chicken, Vegetable and Tomato, per can Sun-Maid Seedless and Seeded OO 0 Raisins, per pkg OC Canned KQ Walnuts OOC A fine assortment of Genuine Oregon Fir. Make your selection tP iviwams club at the Y.

M. C. A. building this noon when E. Guy Tal-bott, who has completed recently a trip through Turkey, Russia and Armenia, will describe conditions in them for the benefit of Kiwanians and their guests.

George Mickle will be chairman of the day, and a rousing prosram has been prepared. SET DATE FOR HEARING The corporation commission yesterday set December 29 as the date of the hearing of the application of the state highway department for permission to construct a public crossing over the tracks of the NewMexico and Arizona railroad company near mile- to incorporate was the Ks therine Sunbeam Mining company of Nevada wKh a capital stock of $150,000 divid now. ed into 1,500,000 shares at 10 cents par. JUOD-kKN four-room house for rent, furnished. 736 E.

Polk. Call at 74D E. Polk. Phone 472S. dm Miss Julia Ktimsnn rtpnn r.

un Army Nurses' Training school, is the first and nnlv woman mair. BOl'S new serge suit, long pants. cheap. Phone 50S0. Jb WANTED Mechanic to buy garage and oil station on Tempe road; rAnf lit-intr United States army.

must be sold. at once for cash. Call Xmas Trees in all sizes from or. oa L. it 75c $5.00 Ford's Immense Stores are opposite the Boston Store 220 East Washington Street.

Phone 1776 Never sell your goods without seeing Ford GARAGE and oil station on Tempe Road: cheap rent, including living rooms; must be sold at once for cash. Call 495S or 3231. It Get them early. Set on stands complete. SWEATERS: Men and Women's, from $1.00 to cost 3 Demonstration of -Lewis' El Ver jil Jams and Jelly, Tuesday and Wednesday at the Basketeria; Thursday, F.riday and Saturday at the Arcade.

A home product. .1 euic. iiit: new ana ciassy. rords, CLOCKS: Elegant parlour, all warranted: $25,00 for $5.00. These are some bargains at Fords.

SAFES: Either filing or burglar, $250.00 for $90 at Fords Stores'. CROCKERY: Best Cup and Saucer for 20c; big ass't at Fords Stores. I never had 6uch values before. PARLOUR LAMP: cost $80, price $25-at Fords Stores. It is mahog.

base and new. STOVES AND RANGES: Immense stock new or used at Fords Stores. These cannot be duplicated. PEN KNIVES: No one can equal my at Fords Stores. ALUMINUM WARP- n.

You will find our store a veritable garden of everything Floral and Decorative For The Chri stmas Season Cut flowers of all kinds. Blooming plants. Beautiful ferns. Beautiful baskets in wicker and cut glass. Bowls of growing lilies.

Holly and evergreen wreaths. Holly branches and mistletoe. Wonderful imported Roller canaries. Bird cages in many styles. Goldfish, fish bowls and wonderfully attractive Aquariums.

Come in mid make a selection of any article in our store. It ivill be kept for you and delivered any day you desire. WETZLER'S CENTRAL MARKET First Avenue at Washington Ranckers and Farmers given special attention Wetzlers Arcade Market Grocery Washington at First Street Wetzlers Basketeria 127 North First Aven thc Dnm XDVMAW now. win asionisn, at Fords Stores. The cut in this ware frightens.

TENTS: Never look elsewhere. Overloaded, at Fords Stores. BOOKS: For Christmas. 5000 volumes, new or used. Fords' Stores.

Most valuable literature. 8 ENrl' CAB'NET: Superb: Cost 200' Pri" at Stores. Of latest design and hardwood. PHYSICIAN'S Grip and Tools: Very cheap at Fords Stores. Vietrolas, Horns, V.olms, Banjos, Ukelele, Drums, Harmonicas; rords.

Some instruments are invaluable. GARDEN HOSE, 75c. All other tools proportionate at Fords Stores. These are socket riveted. PICTURES: A nice lot to select from, at Fords Stores ADDING MACHINES: CASH REGISTERS: TYPEWRITERS at Fords Stores.

Both Daltons and Burroughs. KDaAuK: sizes; cheaP and nea''y new at Fords stores. Absolutely you save 100. "ros GUNS AND PISTOLS and Ammunition, very very eheao-Fords Stores. You're foolish not to examine.

aP WARDROBE TRUNKS at cost: Trunks and Grip, at Fords Stores. Any trunk, at cost. os tI fujl line, cheaper than others: Fords stores. The leading brands on market. 1 V.

'0Vely tcck' very cheap. Fords stores. I challenge you to duplicate it. REMEMBER: I buy any quantity anywhere- Pav ca! jood value. I deliver and haul away.

anywner' and 'Phoenix' Most Popular Cash and Carry Groceries" W.VVV.W.VAV.V.W.V We especially recommend B-K as a sure cure for roup. Satisfaction or your money refunded. Phoenix Seed Feed Company 183 E. Jefferson St. Phone 4364 Arizona Seed Floral Co.

A. W. Liefgreen, Mgr. 28-30 South Central Avenue Our store open every evening. Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention.

Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.